
Divided Kingdom Radio Show

Mark 3:24 "And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."


Radio Text: Four Grave Exhortations

Week of July 18-19, 2024 
  By Lou Caverly                                              

First Warning


[When I, Lou Caverly, was a college student in the late 1960’s in Salem, Massachusetts, I first read this 1741 soul-searing sermon.  Its author, colonial pastor Jonathan Edwards, lived in eighteenth-century Enfield, Connecticut.  Throughout the ensuing years, its formidable impact on me has never diminished.  Now, in the twenty-first century, seeing evils abound on a world-wide scale never seen before, I have to question whether Edwards’ sermon is more relevant than ever.]


“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (excerpts)


Deuteronomy 32:35: “Their foot shall slide in due time.”  In this verse is threatened the vengeance of God on the wicked unbelieving Israelites, that were God’s visible people, and lived under means of grace; and that, notwithstanding all God’s wonderful works that he had wrought towards that people, yet remained, as is expressed, verse 28, void of counsel, having no understanding in them; and that, under all the cultivations of heaven, brought forth bitter and poisonous fruit; as in the two verses preceding the text.

That they were always exposed to destruction, as one that stands or walks in slippery places is always exposed to fall.  This is implied in the manner of their destruction’s coming upon them, being represented by their foot’s sliding.  The same is expressed, Psalm 73:18.  Surely thou didst set them in slippery places; thou castedst them down to destruction.

That the reason why they are not fallen already, and don’t fall now, is only that God’s appointed time is not come.  For it is said, that when that due time, or appointed time comes, their foot shall slide.  Then they shall be left to fall as they are inclined by their own weight.  God won’t hold them up in these slippery places any longer, but will let them go; and then, at that very instant, they shall fall into destruction; as he that stands in such slippery declining ground on the edge of a pit that he can’t stand alone, when he is let go, he immediately falls and is lost.

There is nothing that keeps wicked men, at any moment, out of hell, but the mere pleasure of GOD.

They deserve to be cast into hell; so that divine justice never stands in the way, it makes no objection against God’s using his power at any moment to destroy them.  Yea, on the contrary, justice calls aloud for an infinite punishment of their sins.  Divine justice says of the tree that brings forth such grapes of Sodom, Cut it down, why cumbreth it the ground. (Luke 13:7) The sword of divine justice is every moment brandished over their heads, and ‘tis nothing but the hand of arbitrary mercy, and God’s mere will, that holds it back.

They hear indeed that there are but few saved, and that the bigger part of men that have died heretofore are gone to hell; but each one imagines that he lays out matters better for his own escape than others have done: … He says within himself, that he intends to take care that shall be effectual, and to order matters so for himself as not to fail.

But the foolish children of men do miserably delude themselves in their own schemes and in their confidence in their own strength and wisdom; they trust to nothing but a shadow.

O sinner!  Consider the fearful danger you are in: ‘Tis a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath, that you are held over in the hand of that God, whose wrath is provoked and incensed as much against you as against many of the damned in hell: You hang by a slender thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it, and ready every moment to singe it, and burn it asunder; and you have no interest in any mediator, and nothing to lay hold of to save yourself, nothing to keep off the flames of wrath, nothing of your own, nothing that you have ever done, nothing that you can do, to induce God to spare you a moment.

Therefore, let everyone that is out of CHRIST, now awake and fly from the wrath to come.  The wrath of almighty GOD is now undoubtedly hanging over great parts of this congregation: Let everyone fly out of Sodom: Haste and escape for your lives, look not behind you, escape to the mountain, lest you be consumed.


Second Warning


An excerpt taken from Elizabeth Cuppett Caverly’s 2004 book, Patriot’s Warning I, America Attacked:

        Anthony Sherman, a veteran and aide to General Washington, was interviewed when he was ninety-nine.  Sherman corroborated, along with reports of other close Washington confidants, the veracity of a momentous event Washington experienced.

        At Valley Forge during the brutal winter of 1777-1778, Washington’s army’s morale was very low.  Food was scarce.  Some soldiers were forced to go barefoot in the snow.  Numbers were dying from disease and exposure.  Many in the Colonies were ready to give up the uphill struggle for freedom and independence.  Yet Washington persevered.  These are Anthony Sherman’s first-person observer’s words: “You doubtless heard the story of Washington’s going to the thicket to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the darkest days of tribulation.”

        Sherman recounts that on one very cold, yet bright day, General Washington remained alone most of the afternoon in his quarters.  When he finally emerged, Washington had an ashen visage.  After circuitously talking about other matters for an hour, Washington finally was able to tell Sherman what had happened.

        As Washington told it, he was sitting, writing a dispatch, when he looked up and saw an unusually beautiful woman.  She did not speak in answer to his question why she was there.  Washington’s first vision then unfolded.  In it, he saw a shadowy angel hovering between Europe and America.  In the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some ocean water, with the right on America and the left on Europe.  Immediately, a cloud arose from Europe and from America and joined in mid-ocean.  The cloud moved west until America was smothered in it.  Lightning flashed at intervals and George Washington heard the smothered groans and screams of the American populace.  Dr. Grady comments, “This part of the vision is probably describing the War of Independence.”

        As Washington continued to watch, the angel dipped water from the ocean, sprinkling it as before.  The dark cloud was then drawn back down into the ocean, becoming invisible.  Sherman recounts that, for the third time, Washington heard the mysterious voice say, “Son of the Republic, look and learn.”  Soon he saw villages and towns spring up all over America.

        Following the same ocean procedure as before, the angel pinpointed the time as at the end of the century, showing George Washington a ghastly apparition from Africa approaching our country.  Sherman quoted Washington’s fascinating description of what clearly seems to be the Civil War:

… I saw an ill-omened specter approach our land.  It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter.  The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other.  As I continued looking, I saw a bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word “union,” bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said, “Remember ye are brethren.”  Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them their weapons became friendly once more, and united around the National Standard.

        The third and last part of Washington’s vision revealed the third and greatest peril to the union.  Grady says:

      In Washington’s vision, he saw America attacked and invaded by vast military forces from Europe, Asia and Africa.  He saw our cities aflame [as a result of nuclear attack, burned by mobs fomenting anarchy and revolution?]; the whole nation devastated and millions dying in mortal combat.

      Then at the point of fiercest and final battle, the great angel, the guardian of this nation, descended from the heavens with legions of white spirits who joined forces with the Americans and destroyed the invading armies.

     Dr. Grady believes: “… We will prevail because it is our destiny to prevail.  But we have permitted corruption, perversion, immorality, greed, and personal pleasure and materialism to become our way of life … We have allowed traitors to hold the highest positions of authority within our nation.  We have reached such a point of degradation that we are even killing our own unborn children – bringing about our own genocide.  Therefore, because of immorality, loss of faith, and the abandonment of our God-centered heritage, America and her people will receive a chastisement of immeasurable ferocity.”


Third Warning


        This alert came on October 25, 2020, when Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano penned a monumental open letter to the then sitting President, Donald J. Trump.  This was just days before the fateful 2020 Presidential election.  This amazing letter carried on the exhortation of the two earlier grave warnings from Colonial Connecticut pastor, Jonathan Edwards and Anthony Sherman’s recounting of Washington’s visions of three wars.  Here are a few excerpts from his letter:

        Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to destroy the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business.  We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny.

        A global plan called the Great Reset is underway.  Its architect is a global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations.  In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage.  Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda,

        The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and canceling individual debt.  The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups.  Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world.  Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.

        Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021.  For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic.  You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis.  In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel.  But this world, Mr. President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, and ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are tied together by a spiritual bond that draws its strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as Lucifer did at the beginning of time with his “non serviam” …

        As is now clear, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter [Pope Francis] has betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep church, who chose him from its ranks.

        Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider you the final garrison against world dictatorship.  The alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep state, gravely compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio [Pope Francis’ real name] is doing to the Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minister Sanchez to Spain, and so on.  The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances.  It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises …

         Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed.  Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13) To be an instrument of Divine Providence is a great responsibility, for which you will certainly receive all the graces of state that you need, since they are being fervently implored for you by the many people who support you with their prayers.

        With this heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayer for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators, with all my heart I send you my blessing.

Carlo Maria Vigano

Title: Archbishop of Ulpiana

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America


        Instead of reacting to Vigano’s message and demonstrating great repentance and remorse for sin, America’s leaders brought forth Operation Warp Speed, fully implementing administration of Covid fetal-cell-derived vaccines with some inoculations even given inside church sanctuaries.

        Extrapolating the VAERS figures of 27,000 U.S. deaths due to Covid shots, knowing that reputable sources claim only 1% of deaths make their way to VAERS statistics, we have at least 2,700,000 people who have succumbed to Satan’s bioweapon.  “Died suddenly” has appeared over and over in newspaper obituaries throughout the country.  Jonathan Cahn’s book The Josiah Manifesto mathematically makes an amazing case with facts and figures to prove that the devastation of the Covid era – especially on America – was direct judgment from God for the 60+ million babies aborted here.  In many cases, the dates for the abomination of legalized abortion beginning in various parts of America and the dates for Covid’s first devastating strikes were exactly the same.


Jonathan Cahn issues prophetic warning to Biden and America: REPENT and stop waging war against the Word of God


Messianic Jewish teacher Jonathan Cahn has issued a second warning to fake president Joe Biden and really all of America to repent of all apostasy and embrace Jesus Christ as Messiah and our only salvation.


Fourth Warning


Posted at, Friday, January 3, 2023 by Ethan Huff.  Here are some excerpts from that article:


Entitled “Prophetic Message II to Joe Biden (The White House Apostasy),” Cahn’s latest message calls on Biden to immediately stop pushing LGBT perversion, abortion, and other wickedness on America. Cahn also calls on Americans to reject all such evil themselves, and to turn back to God.

Right after Biden assumed control of the White House in early 2021, Cahn issued his first warning, which was viewed by millions. That warning was ignored, so Cahn decided to issue a second one calling on the fake president to repent from his wickedness.

“If we ever disregard the eternal rules of God, his blessings will be removed from the land,” Cahn stated in both videos, citing George Washington, America’s first president.

Biden did this not only once but twice, most recently on December 22 on the White House lawn when he signed into law a same-sex “marriage” bill that enshrines federal protections for homosexual couples.

“You did something that no president had ever done,” Cahn says in the video about Biden’s historic signing of the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.” “You enshrined the alteration of marriage into federal law.”

“And you not only did that, but you commemorated it with a great festival, inviting thousands of activists and drag queens to the White House lawn to celebrate it with songs and music – you converted the White House into a ‘rainbow.'”

The America of today has embraced an ethos of calling good evil and evil good. Its leaders openly and proudly corrupt children, the most innocent among us, while ratcheting up persecution against the righteous who follow God and His Word.

Cahn seems well aware of this reality, which is why he is pleading a second time for Biden and really all of America to reject evil and embrace Jesus Christ as the One True Savior, and the only way to salvation and eternal life.

“For now, you have a position, an administration, a government, a party, a media,” Cahn said in his message to Biden. “But the day will come when you will stand before God and you will have no more position, no administration, no government, no media, and no public opinion. They will all be gone: it will just be you and Him.”

“He’ll ask you to give an account for what you did with regard to His Word and His ways, and what you did with regard to your own stands that you knew were right. And without salvation and the new birth, there awaits only an eternity without God and of eternal judgment.”

Judgment will come.”  [Will America heed these warnings?  We can only hope so.  Otherwise, God will judge this nation swiftly and decisively.]


Radio Text Addendum:

Grave Judgment?      By Elizabeth Cuppett Caverly



July 11, 2024 – God’s Storm Starts on America?


        In Biblical numerology, this “11” number denotes “God’s Judgment.”  In America, right now, is there repentance?  Any remorse?  Any awe and respect for Almighty God’s scriptural laws?  Is God staying his hand?  For indeed, this was the day, July 11, that Trump was supposed to go to prison.  Yet, are there other shocking signs God’s judgment is descending on this country?

  • Lou Caverly reports on The Divided Kingdom evening news program on the growing trend of “throuples” seeking to become “parents.”  Case in point: three thirty-year-old+ men seeking to all be fathers to two children, including a small girl.  One of the prospective “fathers” exulted in how much extra love the small girl would receive from three fathers, because “Love is love!”


  • Reuters reports NATO declares missiles in Poland are ready.


  • Russian key political advisor Medvedev declares “Either Ukraine or NATO disappears” (making the inference clear what the preference is)


  • TruNews, having reported July 10th the unprecedented deployment of some Chinese troops into Europe for the first time (Poland and Belarus) now quotes NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg pointing the finger at China: “… an enabler of Russia’s war on Ukraine.”  TruNews agreed that Stoltenberg had “thrown the gauntlet down” to China.


  • The Times of London reported this headline: “China Stages War Games While NATO Meets.”  China sent a warning to NATO.


  • A report came from the London Telegraph that once again demonstrates the push to inaugurate and implement the world war so dear to the hearts of political hack-hawks like Senator Lindsey Graham, who dreamily exulted about the trillions of dollars’ worth of rare earth minerals and more in Russia. They’re just waiting, like parts of Africa, for the New World Order’s greedy plundering.


What did the London Telegraph say?It outlined the proposal to place hypersonic missiles in Germany.The defense minister explained that these hypersonic missiles can “strike deep in Russia.”It was made clear that this would occur, unimpeded, even if Trump became President.


  • Political Solution?  MAGA will bring back freedom and the Constitution!?  Yet recent reports document at the “Southern White House” of true, legitimate POTUS, LGBT-approval events have occurred, including a homosexual wedding held at Mar-a-Lago as well as the “Log Cabin” Republicans [They have a contingent at Bohemian Grove] fund-raiser Melania Trump held at Trump Tower. (July posting at LifeSite News)


  • Anthony Blinken confirms that donated F-16 fighters from Denmark and the Netherlands are on their way to Ukraine.  Blinken said these jets will continue to fly this summer “against the Russian aggression.”


  • Talk show host Hal Turner is concerned the F-16 donated fighters will lead to war escalation.  “Bases in other countries will have to be used for these F-16’s.  So, if there is any attack on them, then NATO can kick in, defending a member state, etc.”


  • The NATO summit issued an end of summer communiqué with three interesting major points:


  1. Enlarge its role into Africa.
  2. Give 40 billion Euros to Ukraine in 2025.
  3. Assert that Ukraine is on an irreversible path to join NATO.


  • Ukraine drones a month ago destroyed two Russian early warning nuclear missile radar sites.  And now, very recently, a key nuclear missile test range site Russia has had since 1947 has been attacked by Ukrainian drones.  Turner explains that none of these targets had anything to do with Ukraine and the war there.  His analysis is that NATO is directly commanding these attacks to weaken Russia’s nuclear early warning systems because “these NATO sickos are actually planning a nuclear first strike against Russia.” 

God forbid!Prayer, prayer from those of you who are still able to feel remorse and repent.There is not much comfort in the domestic scene, either.Reportedly, the United States national debt is increasing by one trillion dollars every 100 days.Mathematician Lou Caverly says, “If this is true, this debt is unsustainable and will soon bankrupt the country.”

        In addition to all the Luciferian plots and plans to fully engage in World War III, there is still another danger.  Very serious concerns are weighing on us, with possible reimplementation of God’s judgment. 

        Lo and behold, is God’s possible second pandemic judgment just around the corner?  (For on this significant day, July 11, we also got another shocking announcement in the news):

  1. An International Bird Flu Summit is to be held October 2, 3 and 4 in Washington, D.C.
  2. Their brochure says, “We will discuss the highly virulent respiratory bird flu.” 
  3. The very first item on their agenda isMASS FATALITY MANAGEMENT PLANNING.” 

        Perhaps something far worse than another disrupted presidential election is coming!  Oh, America, repent!

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