First Radio Monologue … June 30, 2022 … Lou Caverly
This week has seen a great blessing from God in the Roe v. Wade reversal and a second SCOTUS decision, too. The latter struck down an oppressive New York law that required a citizen to provide an explanation of why a handgun was needed outside the home before a permit would be issued. It seems obvious that such a weapon is needed for protection in New York, especially in New York City, with its rampant crime. We can rejoice that Supreme Court threw out the law by a 6 to 3 vote.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion. He stated that the right to bear arms was not a “second class right.” He explained that no other article in the first ten amendments to the Constitution requires a person to provide a reason why they should be able to exercise that God-given right. Freedom of speech, for example, does not depend on citizens coming up with reasons why they should be allowed to voice their opinions. Nor, does the Fifth Amendment (no one is compelled to testify against oneself in a criminal court of law) necessitate a reason for invoking it. The same is true of every other article of the Bill of Rights. The Court says the Second Amendment is no different.
This is a great victory for Americans. Several states (including my own state of Maryland) have tried to restrict gun possession by law-abiding citizens through coercive laws. Until now, it has been difficult and time-consuming to obtain a handgun permit here in Maryland. This new court decision should remedy that. It will force state governments to come up with good reasons for denying permits – reasons that will survive future court appeals.
Nevertheless, we cannot relax and become apathetic. Forces are still at work to take away our means of protection. President Biden signed a new law just yesterday – the most significant gun legislation in the last 30 years. It comes in the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas.
One alarming provision of this legislation encourages states to enact more “red flag” laws. These allow a person to go to law enforcement if they think another person poses a danger. The subject of that accusation can be denied a gun permit or have one revoked. This, while sounding like a good idea at first hearing, invites widespread abuse. In one egregious case here in Maryland a few years ago, a person’s gun was seized based on a false accusation of mental illness. It is transparent that “red flag” laws can easily be used to take away firearms. The only good aspect to the new law Biden signed is advising states to unseal the violent offense records of juveniles.
The U.S. government looks more and more like it is escalating, trying to disarm the American people, targeting political dissenters first. Laura Loomer (now running for Congress from Florida) was denied a concealed carry permit. At first, the authorities refused to tell her why. Then they said that her name appeared in the NIC System (National Instant Criminal Background Check System). This list is operated by the FBI, and Laura suspects that her vocal criticism of former FBI Director James Comey resulted in her being put on the list. There is no due process. Apparently, the FBI can add anyone they feel like to the list. Loomer will have to take her case to court if she wants to get her gun permit.
Here in Maryland, another gun restriction went into effect on June 1st. This requires a personal identification number for all unserialized firearms, often called “ghost guns.” This applies not only to guns that are purchased, but also to those that are inherited or given to another person. These firearms must then be registered with the Maryland State Police and a full background investigation must be conducted. Violators can be subject to two years in prison and/or a fine of up to $10,000.
President Biden’s statement after the supreme Court decision is typical: “It contradicts both common sense and the Constitution and should deeply trouble us all.” And New York Governor Hochul stated, “This decision isn’t just reckless. It’s reprehensible.” Both Biden and Hochul obviously belong to those government leaders who would love to see the citizenry completely helpless – obedient serfs.
Throughout history, dictators have been quick to deprive the masses of any means of self-defense. Whether it was Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro or Pol Pot, disarming their populations was a first priority. Then the countries were ripe for censorship, mass imprisonments and genocide. We are already seeing widespread censorship in news media and Big Tech. It is no accident that opinions in opposition to the government are not permitted to become widespread. A recent example is the reaction of these media to any criticism of the covid “vaccines,” no matter how strongly backed by science. If the government can deprive Americans of their Second Amendment rights, how long will it be before imprisonments and genocide follow?