
Divided Kingdom Radio Show

Mark 3:24 "And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."


Bleeding Kansas


Opening Radio Monologue … July 7, 2022 … Lou Caverly


        From 1850 to 2022, has a demonic Molech stronghold of blood and sacrifice been holding the state of Kansas captive?

        Roe v. Wade has now been reversed, and every state must decide where it stands on the subject of abortion.  Some states, like Missouri, have already enacted laws (or reactivated earlier laws that are still in force) to ban abortions or severely restrict them.  Others, like California and New York, have promised to allow abortions almost without limit.  Kansas is a special case, since it will require an amendment of the Kansas state constitution to restrict abortions in that state.  Kansas voters will be the first in the nation to cast votes on abortion rights.

        This called to mind events in that same region of the United States 168 years ago.  At that time, in 1854, slavery was an issue that had been threatening to tear the country apart for at least a half century.  The Missouri Compromise of 1820 admitted Maine to the Union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.  Slavery was prohibited in the region of the Louisiana Purchase north of latitude 33o 30’, a line which ran along Missouri’s southern border.  This cooled tempers somewhat and remained in force for over 30 years.  Thomas Jefferson wrote to a friend, “The Missouri question … filled me with terror.  I considered it the death knell of the Union.  It is hushed indeed for the moment.  But this is a reprieve only, not a final sentence.”

        During the next four decades, new regions had been settled in the west.  By the 1850’s, Kansas was among those areas ready to become U.S. territories, as was Nebraska.  Once again, the issue of slavery sharply divided the nation.  The balance between pro-slavery and anti-slavery members of the U.S. Senate was at stake.  In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act became law in spite of intense opposition.  It repealed the Missouri Compromise and provided for both Kansas and Nebraska to settle the slavery question by a vote of the citizens of that territory, not by the United States Congress – hence the name “popular sovereignty.”

        On the surface, that seemed a reasonable solution.  However, the balance of power in the United States Senate could be tipped by the outcome of the vote in Kansas.  Both sides of the slavery issue decided action was needed.  Within a short time, outsiders flooded into Kansas to try to sway the vote to favor or oppose slavery.  “Border Ruffians” from the South invaded the state and “Free Staters” from the North did the same. 

        Violence broke out in the territory.  Homes and barns were burned, people were beaten and a number were killed.  Border Ruffians attacked the city of Lawrence, Kansas.  In response, abolitionist John Brown and seven followers killed five men at Pottawatomie Creek in May of 1856.  Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, coined the term “Bleeding Kansas.”  In December of 1859, just before he was hanged for treason following his unsuccessful raid on the U.S. arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Brown uttered these prophetic words: “I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with Blood.”  In less than two years, his words had come true.  The Civil War had begun.

        Now, in 2022, Horace Greeley’s term, “Bleeding Kansas,” once again puts the national spotlight on that state’s “Molech” murder-stronghold.  This time the controversy is not slavery, but abortion.  In the wake of the repeal of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, no doubt most citizens in Kansas would like to limit abortions there.  After Roe v. Wade went into effect in 1973, demonic leftists in the Kansas supreme court declared their anti-abortion laws unconstitutional.  They were nullified.  In contrast, Missouri can immediately enforce its prior existing anti-abortion laws.  The people of Kansas will have to vote this August 2nd on an amendment to their constitution to reinstate anti-abortion laws.  Until the August 2nd vote, there is no law in place to restrict any woman in the state from having an abortion.

        “Bleeding Kansas” abortion vacation?  The Kansas vote will have regional and national implications.  Failure to pass the amendment could make Kansas an abortion sanctuary for women from Missouri and other restricting states.  Just as in 1854, the stakes are high.  Those in favor of a “yes” vote on August 2 to adopt the new amendment have formed the “Value Them Both Coalition” (VTB).  The name of the proposed amendment is also “Value Them Both.”

        VTB warns that failure to pass “Value Them Both” will change the state into another New York or California.  Sacrifice of infants to the fires of Satan will proliferate.  In addition, most hideous of all, late term abortions may become widespread in Kansas.

        Just as in the slavery divide, both sides on the abortion debate are passionate.  Neither side is about to compromise.  We may not see the kind of viciousness that characterized Kansas from 1854 until the end of the Civil War.  Yet attacks on churches and pro-life centers have already begun.  Extremist groups are enraged at the SCOTUS decision.  Federal marshals had to guard some of the justices from assassination before the ruling took place.  Some crazed leftists are still advocating violence against them. 

        Once again, as in the 1850’s, the “Bleeding Kansas” stronghold is at the climactic center of the war between God and Satan.  The voters of Kansas have a chance to break that demonic grip on August 2.  The late evangelist Henry Gruver spent much of his life visiting many countries around the world.  His goal was to walk around cities praying for God to destroy Luciferian control.  Not just Kansas, but the whole U.S.A., needs all of our prayers, the kind of prayers Gruver made to God – to reclaim our entire country.  This can happen only after a spirit of deep repentance convicts every person in the land.  Then, God’s renewal and restoration can come once more to America.

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