
Divided Kingdom Radio Show

Mark 3:24 "And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."


Is God Revealing More of “The Pharoah to the Pharmacies” Plot?


Does He Want to Have a Repentant America for His Own?

Second Radio Monologue … June 30, 2022 … Elizabeth Cuppett Caverly


        On June 22, 2022, two landmark truth-teller guests were interviewed on the Stew Peters Show.  In the week of God’s great miracle, excising the cancerous tumor of Roe v. Wade from the body politic of America, these two authoritative guests had new shocking details of what January 6, 2021 really represented.  Equally excellent was the second guest’s documentation of new “clot” shot incriminating facts.

        First, there was the riveting account of Pastor Stan Lovins. This unique personal story really seems to indicate to us that God is revealing more and more of the engineered darkness and evil because He does not want the country of America to fall.  The battle lines between Satan and Jesus Christ are being more closely drawn all the time.

        January 5, one day before the eventful day of January 6, Pastor Lovins recounts how a person “in the know” sent him a copy of a memo, the original being sent to Vice President Pence.  The memo delineated the overwhelming evidence of the 2020 Presidential election fraud, including Dominion’s voting machines and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence.  These talking points, of course, assumed Mike Pence would save the Constitution with the 2020 election results declared null and void.  Pence had been trumpeted as a devout Christian in a key interview in Decision magazine (publication of the BGEA, now headed by Dr. Franklin Graham – who later advised Christians that Jesus would want them to take the fetal-cell derived covid-19 vaccines, and then was felled himself by inexplicable myocarditis).

        But Pence went his own treasonous way, refusing to stand up for good and for God’s truth.  Like Judas getting the thirty pieces of silver for betraying our Precious Savior, Pence (“Pennies”) was caught on video with a man slipping him what appeared to be a Masonic or “Secret Society” type coin he pocketed.

        Next day, Pastor Stan went to Washington, D.C. with one mission only, to pray.  At the Ellipse around 9:00 a.m., he says the Lord instructed him to move on toward the Capitol Building.  At that moment, he saw white vans pull up, escorted by Capital Police and federal officials.  They dropped off Antifa members. 

        Two of these personages, Lovins recalls, were somewhat familiar to American TV watchers: one who wore horns and another who wore a devil sweatshirt.  An officer commanded onlookers to cease video recording, no doubt to foil a record of the vans and Antifa being a significant part of the January 6th events.  God gave Pastor Lovins a strong word of knowledge: “Breach.” Our beloved America of the 1940’s and 1950’s, its Christian light sending missionaries all over the world, is under vicious spiritual attack.

        Pastor Lovins observed people carrying “CCP” signs and turned to talk to an older man, a federal officer, one who no doubt still represented the old, beautiful America without immorality and lawlessness.  This law official agreed with the Pastor that “Antifa was at the head of this.”

        The second guest Stew Peters interviewed on June 22, James Roguski (Substack), blew the whistle on info from a website he recaptured after Big Pharma took it down: “Pandemic of the”  Again, the Jesus Christ of the Bible, who let little children come unto Him, saying they showed us what the Kingdom of Heaven was like, also gravely warned that anyone who harmed the little ones would fare worse than a person with a millstone put around his neck and drowned. 

        Are you as a Christian person going to read these horrors and take no action?  Not even to pray?  Or tell others this info?  Roguski revealed:

  1. The CDC, June 18th, called for covid vaccination of children as young as six months old.
  2. Moderna’s two shots have eight times as much mRNA in them as do Pfizer’s.
  3. Infants would get the same vax amount as the five-year-olds!  [Think of the harm!]
  4. Two-thirds of the children dropped out of the trials before April 29th.  So, all the data was just thrown away!  Only 80 children were left and the “immuno-bridging” story changed on September 2 from “protection” to an “immune response getting antibodies.”
  5. The FDA meeting, June 28, wanted to make mRNA “bivalent,” mixing the “Wuhan mRNA” with the “Omicron.”  The FDA wanted this change with no additional testing!
  6. Testing is starting on three-month-old babies.  James Roguski reminds listeners to Stew’s program of all the miscarriages women have had after the covid shots.  Next, he predicted, they’ll want to give covid shots to the babies still in the womb.

        Stew told listeners (and all of you reading this), “You should be absolutely furious when you find out the truth.”

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